Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Ever wake up in the morning and not want to get out of bed because of what awaits you?

My name is Emily Sabater and I am on a journey to transform my life from an ordinary life into an extraordinary life.

I am writing for those who are dissatisfied with their lifestyle and who want to explore new realms of possibilities.

Growing up I had a very fulfilling childhood because I was given the freedom to explore and enjoy my younger years.  In high school, I was unsure of what I wanted to do when I graduated, but I miraculously chose the path to a great career. In college, I studied Accounting and Finance and shortly after graduation I landed a well-paying job with great benefits.  After college I started a family and had two beautiful children.  I was successful in creating a good life.

 With all my seemingly fortunate circumstances, you might wonder why I am discontent. The number one concern that plagues me is that I feel like I am only good at certain things, but not great.  My life is good but not great.

 I have this churning feeling inside like I have the potential for better. I am tired of being full of millions of great ideas but having nothing to show for them. The question I constantly ask myself is “Where do I begin?” I have googled this question and what results are a million websites and an overwhelming amount of information.  To find time to sift through this barrage of information, with a full-time job and two children to take care of, seems impossible. But what is worse is waking up years from now and wondering what value I got from this short time I was given.

Today is where I begin my journey. I will start out slowly by doing some soul searching and graduate towards implementing a game plan. I invite you to join me and hopefully we can find liberation together.

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